April 24, 2019
Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, 612-386-9556,
Josh Keller, 612-270-2984,
Statement on Paid Sick Time Expected To Pass in the House Jobs Omnibus Bill
St. Paul—Tonight, the Minnesota House is expected to pass Earned Sick and Safe Time, which would expand paid sick days across the state. Three cities, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth, have already passed local sick time ordinances. The House bill would allow workers up to 48 hours per year to care for themselves or a loved one.
Raye Perez, a retail and child care worker and student from St. Cloud, MN testified in support of paid sick time at the State Capitol this session. TakeAction Minnesota and SEIU State Council released the following statement:
“We applaud the Minnesota House for passing their omnibus Jobs and Energy bill, which included HF11 the paid sick time bill. Paid time to care is critical to building a family friendly state that works for all of us. Minnesotans believe every person has inherent worth and dignity and that no one should have to choose between caring for themselves or a loved one and a paycheck.
For years, women, people of color, and working people have raised our voices for this basic workplace standard. Paid time to care means being able to comfort a sick child, go to the doctor, and seek safety, without losing pay.
We’re excited that paid sick time was included in the House Jobs bill. At the same time, we’re deeply disappointed that instead of advancing paid time to care, the state Senate is continuing to push preemption laws that strip away our local democracy and block local sick time ordinances, as well as $15 wages. It’s wrong. We’re an abundant and resourceful state—we have enough for everyone to thrive. It’s time to pass paid sick time statewide.”