Anna Cioffi, LSP Takes the Beginning Farmer Message to D.C.

As you read this, central Minnesota farmer and LSP member Nolan Lenzen is in Washington, D.C., carrying a simple, but critical, message: agriculture is a growing and vibrant sector of

Terry VanDerPol, Minnesota Needs A Fair Economy Where The Richest Pay Their Fair Share!

My name is Terry VanDerPol. I farm in the western part of the state in the Minnesota River Valley outside of Granite Falls. I raise cattle and I’m a member

Dan McGrath, HMO Reserves are an Important Part of State Revenue Solution

Since January, state policy makers have looked under every sofa cushion and in every old pickle jar for spare change to solve Minnesota’s revenue crisis.  With a gaping $5 billion

Jane Booth-Tobin, Why is the Legislature Wasting our Time on Hate?

Today I joined over 600 Minnesotans in the middle of the workday to rally against the anti-marriage amendment at the Capitol. African-American Lobby Day was going on just below us

Liz Loeb, Safe Gun Laws Make for Good Neighbors

This Thursday, April 28th the Minnesota House Public Safety Committee will hear HF1467, an omnibus gun bill commonly referred to as “Shoot First.” Introduced by Tony Cornish (R), “Shoot First”

Martha Skold, Ugly Words Harm All of Us

A few weeks ago, on a morning talk show on KDWB, a song was written and performed by Steve LeTart entitled “30 Hmongs in a House”.  The lyrics are full

Steve Rogness, Thanks Taxes!

On Tax Day this year, I have been thinking about all that I have to thank taxes for, and the list is long. Thanks to taxes, I got a great