Learn how to have compassionate + curious conversations: Join the Greater Minnesota Deep Canvass Pilot

Cierra, DyAnna, and Walter here with an invitation for you. 

People across Minnesota are having important conversations about our schools, values, and vision for communities that respect the dignity of every human being – across race, gender, sexual orientation, and immigration status.

Some right-wing politicians and think tanks want Minnesotans to approach those conversations with fear and anger. They want us divided so we can’t come together for what we need and deserve.

We’re taking a radically different approach. We’re launching a Greater Minnesota Deep Canvass Pilot to have hundreds of conversations rooted in compassion, curiosity, deep listening, and storytelling. Deep canvassing is a proven tool for persuasion and inoculation against fear and misinformation.

Join our Greater Minnesota Deep Canvass Cohort starting tomorrow, Thursday, April 14 from 5-8pm. Be part of a tight-knit group of Minnesotans learning how to use the deep canvass framework for one-on-one conversations. 

I (Walter) have had hundreds of deep canvass conversations. Deep canvassing is different from conventional canvassing because it’s not showing up once to ask people for their vote. Instead, we’re trying to make genuine connections with people by sharing our personal stories. We can’t build power together unless we connect.

Listen, connect, and build power with us as part of our Greater Minnesota Deep Canvass Cohort starting tomorrow.

If you join the cohort, we ask that you participate in at least six of eight canvassing sessions. Each session will take place via Zoom and include training, phone conversations with people across the state, and debriefs with your fellow cohort members.

Why the six-week commitment? We want you to have the chance to develop your skills — from telling your story effectively, to using assertive communication styles and asking curious questions — and that takes time! We think the investment is worth it. There’s a lot at stake for our communities, and the skills you’ll learn are applicable well beyond the conversations you’ll have over the next few weeks.

Can’t wait to learn and grow with you.

Cierra, DyAnna, and Walter

Posted in Our Blog

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The problems we face are bigger than one campaign, one issue, or one election.

We need a statewide, multiracial movement to change who decides and who benefits in Minnesota. And we need you to be part of that.

Join us. Let us know what you're interested in and we will get you connected with our work.