
Rooting for our endorsed candidate, Mary Hernandez, District 55A

Earlier this month, my wife, my son and I spent the morning door knocking with Mary Hernandez running for the MN House of Representatives in district 55A.  I have heard many people say, “this race is lost to the GOP” or “she does know that she is not going to win, right?”  This type of attitude really gets to me.  Mary has been an active leader in her community for 20 years, she’s a strong woman, an immigrant, a mother, a wife, and the type of representative her community needs.

Yet, people still don’t’ have faith that she will win, simply because the status quo tell us “this is a lost race.”  I completely disregard this notion.  Look at what happened in district 60B and in district 59A – this is clear evidence that the impossible IS possible.  We must acknowledge that our communities are changing, we are becoming very diverse across, race, ability, gender, age, and economic status. I believe, that diversity CAN be our greatest strength, but to achieve this, it will take meaningful collaboration across our differences to make this possible.  By learning from each other’s perspectives and working together, we will take action and create a stronger and more unified community.

I know Mary, I know her personally and I have seen her in action with her community.  She is fully committed, she is fully on-board to fight for her community, her personal and professional experiences have given her a perspective that is very much needed at the Capitol.  Mary is committed, but she cannot do this alone.  It will take a collective effort from all of us, it will take all of us to stand up to the status quo and say, “the status quo is not working” and we must be willing to embrace change. Yes, change is hard, but change is also good. That’s why it’s so great to know that TakeAction has endorsed Mary because we believe in her and we want to her her WIN.

I believe Mary can win because I have seen what she has done for her family and her community.  I ask that you stand with Mary; door knock for with her, phone bank with her, but most important, BELIEVE in her! Click here to learn about how to support Mary. 

Posted in Our Blog

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