
TakeAction Minnesota Statement on Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 26, 2018

Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, TakeAction Minnesota, 612-386-9556


St. Paul—Last week, nearly 11 million people watched as Dr. Christine Blasey Ford bravely appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about a sexual assault committed by Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. Supreme Court nominee. Women and survivors across the country came forward in support of Dr. Ford, courageously sharing their own experiences of sexual violence.

At the same time, people watched as Brett Kavanaugh proved he is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court with antagonist responses, lies, and partisan conspiracy theories. Minnesotans joined Americans across the country to take to the streets and demand Senators vote no on Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Today the Senate failed to live up to their responsibility to listen to the people they represent and confirmed Kavanaugh to the highest court of our country.

Elianne Farhat, TakeAction Minnesota’s executive director, released the following statement:

“At TakeAction Minnesota, we believe that when our private pain is brought into public memory, we can work towards healing and justice. Our members are grieving today—and rightfully so. But just as we grieve together, we organize together. We are building a people-centered democracy because we refuse to settle for elected officials who play politics with our dignity and humanity. This year, we have said time’s up on sexual assault and harassment. Now we follow it up with our vote.

Minnesota Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith refused to confirm Judge Kavanaugh. They demonstrated the strength, compassion, and integrity emblematic of our Minnesota values. Senator Klobuchar called for bravery and we will deliver where others failed. We will continue to resist Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, but what lies ahead for the United States Supreme Court remains uncertain. What we do know is that we decide what happens here in our state. We can choose to build the kind of Minnesota we want—one where everyone, no matter their gender, zip code, or race, is safe and respected. We can elect progressive leaders committed to building that Minnesota along with us. 

Dr. Ford’s breathtaking courage was part of a legacy of brave women coming forward in hopes of transforming a toxic culture that apologizes for, normalizes, and perpetuates gender-based violence and abuse. TakeAction Minnesota members work every day to advance gender, racial, and economic justice, and we carry that courage forward with us in our movement. We urge all Minnesotans to carry that courage directly with them to the polls on November 6.”


TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide, independent, multiracial people’s organization working to advance democracy and equity through organizing, political action, and campaigns. The organization has offices in St. Paul, Duluth, and St. Cloud.


Posted in Press Releases

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