This month in organizing: January power building updates

Image: Hundreds of musicians packed the Green Room for TCUP’s campaign launch on Dec. 14, 2024

This month, we’ve got updates about: 

💯 HUNDREDS of performers pushing for transparency, respect, and fair treatment in the music scene 

👩‍🎓 Students and parents organizing in Minneapolis Public Schools to address ballooning class sizes and more 

💥 The impact we made together in 2024 

🙄 The MN GOP’s attempted coup at #mnleg 

➕ PLUS: Resources from trusted partners on navigating dangerous new Trump policies 

Whether you’re a member of a TakeAction Minnesota team or part of our general membership, we’re glad you’re here. Let’s dive in. 

We’re making moves: Timely team updates and calls to action 

💯 Musicians + performers: Sign TCUP’s power pledge! 

On Dec. 14, TCUP launched its first campaign to fight for a unified advance process in the Twin Cities. The advance process is how venues and performers communicate about pay, logistics, and more before a show. TCUP is organizing 500+ musicians to push for a fair and transparent advance process because we are stronger together! If you’re a performer,  join an upcoming TCUP headquarters meeting to learn more, meet the people of TCUP, see the advance, and sign a pledge! 

👩‍🎓 Join parents and students organizing in Minneapolis Public Schools 

Schools are supposed to be safe places to get an education, mentorship, good meals, and support all of us need as we grow up. Thousands of MPS staff are working hard to make that happen – and succeeding in many ways. But right now, MPS administration is facing a crisis of their own making. MPS is choosing to waste resources on overhead salaries and private contracts instead of investing more in students and staff. Join parents and students building power to address big issues like ballooning class sizes, declining enrollment, and potential school closures. 

Are you an MPS parent? 

📝 Share your experience in this survey. 

👉 Join our strategy meeting on Feb. 2 at 4pm.

💚 Find your role in the 2025 Minneapolis elections 

Doom scrolling? Anxious? There’s a place for you in local organizing. In 2025, the people of Minneapolis will elect our mayor and city council. Join our virtual training on Feb. 6 to learn: 

  • What’s up with Minneapolis elections this year 
  • WTF are caucuses + conventions and why they matter 
  • How to find a meaningful role in this election cycle  

We’re watching: MN GOP coup attempt

🙄 We’ve got it summed up on Instagram. Since legislative session began, DFL House members have been standing with MN voters to prevent the GOP from going to extreme lengths to enact their MAGA agenda. The GOP is attempting a 2-year power grab in the MN House so they can take away reproductive freedoms, eliminate paid leave for families, and get rid of free school meals for kids.  

📢 Tell your MN representative to use every available legal tool to stop the MN GOP coup. 

We’re celebrating: The impact we made together

💥 Check out the 2024 TakeAction Impact Report 

Whether you’re a member of a TakeAction team or part of our general membership – we accomplished so much together in 2024. Thank you for choosing hope and action with us. Let’s lean on each other and keep building power for what we need in 2025. Read about our impact.

We’re chatting with: Jackie Lane, MN United Parents

  1. What team are you part of and what are you trying to win? I’m an organizer with MN United Parents. We’re working to win fully funded childcare, but ultimately, our organizing is about parents. We’re not able to live the life we want under capitalism. By building power, we can dismantle what gets in the way of us being parents who can thrive. My children deserve me, and they deserve to see me as a full person. 
  2. What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself since you started organizing? It’s a profound feeling when I get to tell my daughter, “that’s what your mom does,” as she learns about people throughout history who have banded together to fight for a world that’s better than the one they had growing up. Being an organizer, being part of a movement that’s bigger than any one person, has taught me what it means to have a purpose, to value myself, and to protect my own boundaries. 
  3. How can folks build power and act with your team right now? Join one next open meeting on Feb. 9 to learn how you can bring new energy and purpose into your life in 2025 by signing our Parent Power Pledge. Snacks and childcare provided! 

We’re sharing: Resources to keep us safe

Trump is already coming after so many of our communities and people we love. A lot of us are feeling scared and lost. This is a moment to turn to each other because whatever may come, we’re stronger when we face it together. Check out these resources from trusted TakeAction partners. 

💞 Immigrant rights and safety 

Follow Unidos MN on Instagram for updates and upcoming “know your rights” training dates. Check out their website for upcoming trainings, including their Legal Witness training on Feb. 6 to learn how to stand in solidarity with immigrant communities. Also check out this know your rights guide from Interrupting Criminalization. 

🌈 LGBTQ+ rights and safety 

Check out OutFront MN’s post-inauguration community guide which tries to answer many of the questions members of the LGBTQ+ community may be asking ourselves right now. 

👉 Other resources 

ACLU-MN has compiled know your rights primers for many marginalized communities. Share them with friends and family. 

And that’s a wrap!  

How are you doing as January comes to a close? Let us know.

More soon, 

Laura Kiernan (she/her) 
Member Organizer 

Laura Proescholdt (she/her) 
Digital Strategist 

About this newsletter: Get updates invitations to act with TakeAction teams building power: MN United Parents, Duluth Tenants, Twin Cities United Performers, and Minneapolis Public Schools students and parents. Whether you’re a member of one of these teams or part of TakeAction’s general membership, this newsletter is one way to keep up with our community.

Posted in Our Blog

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The problems we face are bigger than one campaign, one issue, or one election.

We need a statewide, multiracial movement to change who decides and who benefits in Minnesota. And we need you to be part of that.

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