TakeAction Minnesota Congratulates Minneapolis Mayor-Elect Betsy Hodges

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — November 7, 2013
Contact: Greta Bergstrom, 651.336.6722, greta@takeactionminnesota.org

TakeAction Minnesota Congratulates Minneapolis Mayor-Elect Betsy Hodges 

Minneapolis, MN – TakeAction Minnesota’s Executive Director, Dan McGrath, released the following statement in reaction to tonight’s announcement by Minneapolis Elections that Betsy Hodges was the top vote-getter in the Minneapolis Mayor’s race:

“Now that the vote-counting has ended, TakeAction Minnesota wants to congratulate Mayor-elect Hodges on her victory. Betsy ran on a platform to close the city’s racial disparities which are among the worst in the country and people in precincts across the entire city responded by giving her their votes and entrusting her with the next four years of leadership.

“As our longest sustaining member, the Mayor-elect is someone who not only shares TakeAction Minnesota’s values of justice and equality, but has been shaped by our values over the past decade and a half. As a former staffer and board member of Progressive Minnesota, our predecessor organization, Betsy Hodges has been a pivotal force in our organizational growth. Moreover, she understands the power of community organizing to build strong neighborhoods and improve people’s lives and demonstrated this in the way she built and ran her mayoral campaign.

“We are so proud that the people of Minneapolis have chosen Betsy Hodges to be the city’s next mayor. TakeAction Minnesota looks forward to partnering with her administration over the next four years to advance her agenda of racial and economic equity.”

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TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide people’s network of individual and organizational members working to raise the voices of Minnesotans in their own communities to advance social, racial and economic justice. The organization has offices in St. Paul, Grand Rapids and Duluth.

Posted in Press Releases

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