Calling with babies.

I don’t have kids myself. Perhaps that is why I am so elated when kiddos come to our office with their parents. 

Last week we had a little four month old girl come to a night of calling with her mother. (I spent a good portion of the evening calling with a sleeping baby on my lap!)

As I called other women in the 8th CD that night and heard babies crying or kids refusing to eat dinner or giggles of bedtime shenanigans, I felt an incredible resolve to talk to these families about why the elections mattered to them.

This is bigger than a victory on election night. This is about women talking to other women about what we need in Minnesota for women and families to succeed- paid time off to care for a sick child, paid paternity leave, affordable childcare.

It is so compelling and honest to watch our Duluth office fill to the brim each Monday and Thursday with a group of women ready to work. The elections aren’t the answer to the big daunting problems we face. But they are a start. They are a place we gather to share what isn’t working, and begin talking about what we can do next.

We don’t know the outcome of November 4th yet, but we do know how we are getting there. We are working hard, building a community and laying a foundation from which we build after the election.

And in this election work there is room for us to come as whole people: as women, men, parents, people who struggle, and people who know this work doesn’t end November 4th.  And yes, please bring your kids.

P.S.  As much as I love to hold babies, I know I am needed on the phones. Starting on September 25th we’ll be providing childcare. If you’re in the Duluth area, check out our schedule and join us!

Posted in Our Blog

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