Care Worker Story Series: Meet Todd and Kent

For this pair of brothers – Todd who’s fifty five, living in rural Grove City and Kent who’s sixty one, living in rural Atwater – it started as “keeping an

Care Worker Story Series: A Daughter Caring for her Parents

As an only child I spent much of my growing up years with adults.  I enjoyed their company and encouragement.  So it was natural that when my father was diagnosed

Governor’s Task Force on Health Care Financing: Health Care or Health Insurance?

By Joan Janusz. As a MN citizen and taxpayer; retired public health nurse; a health care reform advocate; and, someone who needs health care, I care deeply about people and

Vision Duluth Launches!

For the last year we’ve been working hard at TakeAction and with other organizations to put together a shared vision for Duluth rooted in equity and democracy. Personally, I’ve participated


Last week Justice 4 All leaders and our partners had to be clear with Senator Cory Booker’s staff – politics is personal.  Senator Booker is moving bipartisan legislation called the

Fighting for Earned Sick and Safe Time in Minneapolis

By Angelo Love. My name is Angelo Love. I am a leader on the Organizing a New Economy Team at TakeAction MN working to ensure that every worker in Minnesota

A Crisis Demands Solutions

Did you see the Star Tribune’s article last week reporting that income for Black families had plummeted from its already dismal level? If you didn’t, pause right now and read