
Chris Conry, Power, Responsibility, and Voter Restriction

Our economy gets shaped by the rules we make. We decide who’s in and who’s out: who gets to participate and who doesn’t.  The rules we make for voting define

Liz Xiong, Voter Restriction? Let Me Count The Ways

Hmong leaders of our Justice for Veterans campaign know the extreme and painful impacts of being excluded from American society. We value inclusion and dignity for all people and believe

Justin Terrell, Defeating Voter Restriction & Closing the Racial Jobs Gap

Minnesota is home to over 1 million citizens with criminal backgrounds. Many of them are low level offenders and a disproportionate rate of the incarcerated are people of color. When

Elizabeth Lienesch, Why Defeating the Voter Restriction Amendment Matters to the Health of Minnesota

TakeAction Minnesota’s health care team doesn’t just work on health care. This fall, the team is also working hard to defeat the Voter Restriction Amendment, an Amendment that would take

Elizabeth Lienesch, More Benefits From the ACA Rolling In

Nearly 1 million MN women guaranteed access to preventive health services at no cost.  Thanks again Obamacare! The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has delivered yet another huge benefit this month! 

Chris Conry, Leaving Behind the Aristocracy

America’s founders disagreed about many things, but were united by one desire: they wished to leave behind the aristocratic form of government they’d experienced as a colony of Great Britain. 

Chris Conry, Why You Pay More Taxes Than The 1%

Our current tax system is slanted in favor of the super-rich. That’s the basic judgment that Warren Buffett made when he recently pushed to make billionaires pay a tax rate