Dai Thao Endorsed by TakeAction Minnesota for Saint Paul City Council Seat

Contact: Greta Bergstrom, 651.336.6722, greta@takeactionminnesota.org

Dai Thao Endorsed by TakeAction Minnesota for Saint Paul City
Council Seat

Bold progressive stands out in strong field of candidates vying to fill First Ward City Council seat vacated by Melvin Carter III

St. Paul, MN (July 15, 2013) – Statewide progressive people’s network TakeAction Minnesota announced its endorsement of Dai Thao to fill the St. Paul City Council seat recently vacated by Melvin Carter III. Thao was screened along with six other candidates last Wednesday by TakeAction Minnesota’s grassroots leadership assembly. He won the votes of well over the sixty percent threshold for endorsement on the first ballot and the vote was ratified by the organization’s Board of Directors over the weekend.

Board Chair, Mark Schultz, said Thao stood out “as the strongest progressive candidate among a strong field of contenders looking to fill the first ward seat in St. Paul. In the screening, it was evident that Dai has a long-standing commitment to the community as a whole and offers a bold vision for economic prosperity and racial equity. He has very quickly built an impressive multi-racial campaign coalition of individuals and organizations concerned with making St. Paul a better place for everyone to live.”

Thao said he is excited to partner with TakeAction Minnesota in the coming months, both to win the competitive race and, if elected, to build a strong base of engaged community members when in office. “I’m running because I believe our community’s diversity is its strength. As an organizer, parent and neighbor, I intend to champion this community’s voice on the St. Paul City Council.”

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TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide people’s network of individual and organizational members working collaboratively to raise the voices of Minnesotans in their own communities to advance social, racial and economic justice. The organization has offices in St. Paul and Duluth.

Posted in Press Releases

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