Dan McGrath, Who Should Win?

From the Arab spring to the protests over union rights in Wisconsin, and from Minnesota’s state government shutdown to the debt ceiling debate, 2011 stands out as a year where our movement for justice and grassroots democracy has been tested. Our progressive movement has emerged stronger, more organized, and ready to fight back in 2012.

Each year at our Annual Leadership Awards Celebration TakeAction Minnesota honors people and organizations that demonstrate outstanding progressive leadership and achievement. We need you to nominate progressive champions who made a difference in the last year by advancing social, racial and economic justice. Then we need you to join us on Friday, November 18th for the BIG event.

Who do you believe should be recognized this year? Which person or organization do you see doing exceptional work to build the progressive movement? Who demonstrates unwavering commitment and dedication to social, racial and economic justice? Who shows real leadership and inspires others to act? Who won a significant victory that made a difference in the lives of Minnesotans? Take a moment to nominate them now.

And make a plan now to join the best progressive party around on Friday, November 18th. Buy your tickets today to take advantage of early bird pricing.

Posted in Our Blog

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We need a statewide, multiracial movement to change who decides and who benefits in Minnesota. And we need you to be part of that.

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