Doug Williams, Fix the Senate Now

An important campaign that many Minnesotans don’t even know about is rapidly coming to a conclusion. The vote is likely going to take place early next week, if it happens at all. Most of us know the Senate is broken. The current Senate rules enable obstruction and block progress on a range of issues key to America’s future. In past years, our nation was able to move forward on landmark legislation that put in place workers’ rights, civil rights, retirement security for seniors and so much more.

We know it’s no longer a question of a majority vote making decisions on critical legislation. We know gridlock rules the decision making process in the Senate. The filibuster used to be an important tool that gave the minority a real voice in the Senate. Not anymore. For too long now, this tactic has been misused and abused. Congress has stopped legislating effectively, with Senators using ridiculous dodge tactics to block real progress. Today, majority rule in the Senate is the exception, not the rule.

We know we can do better. 70% of Americans agree and think substantive change is needed in the Senate rules.

This is our chance to reform the Senate rules so that Senators debate and vote on critical legislation. Demand change: call your Senators immediately at 1-877-782-8274.

When your call is answered say: “I’m calling to ask that the Senator vote for real Senate rules reform and co-sponsor Senate resolutions 4 & 6. Please support meaningful Senate rules reform.”

Call that same number a second time and you will be connected to your other Senator. Leave the same message. That’s all it takes to help protect our democracy. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes.

Twitter users! It’s easy for you to tell Senate Democrats and Independents to co-sponsor Senate Resolution 4, the Senate rules reform legislation we’ve all been fighting so hard for. Check out this page to find your state to send a Tweet!

The Alliance for Justice, the Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause, the Communications Workers of America (CWA), the Sierra Club, and the United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) and 44 other organizations are calling for substantive Senate reforms.

“Facing unparalleled challenges—a languid economic recovery, crushing debt, and threats at home and abroad—the country cannot afford another two years of inaction fostered by outmoded and broken legislative institutions. We believe that common sense reforms will end routine and reflexive obstruction and will ensure that the Senate will once again be able to address the critical issues facing our country.”

These reforms boil down to four commonsense reforms:

  1. There should be only one chance to filibuster. Today, there are four chances
  2. If you want to filibuster, you must actually stand on the floor and speak just like Jimmy Stewart in “Mr. Smith goes to Washington.” Now you can literally call in your filibuster.
  3. The burden should be on the minority who wants to halt legislation, not the majority that wants to proceed.
  4. Shorten post filibuster debate time for nominations.

These reforms are in the best interest of our democratic system.  Recalibrating the filibuster would revive the Senate as a truly deliberative body by encouraging Senators to discuss and debate the vital issues our country must address.  Requiring those wishing to slow down or halt legislation through the Senate rules to do so publically on the Senate floor would raise the costs of obstruction so that the filibuster is reserved for instances in which a dedicated minority is intensely opposed to legislation.  These much needed reforms would restore accountability on both sides of the aisle.

Silent sometimes anonymous actions taken by Senators have delayed much needed judicial appointments denying justice to those waiting for their day in court. Currently threats to block the nominations of President Obama’s executive branch nominees are underscoring the need for substantial Senate rules reform. Manipulation of the rules has stopped progress on a jobs bill for veterans, the DREAM Act, the American Clean Energy and Security Act, the Employee Free Choice Act and the Bring Jobs Home Act to name a few.

We have a chance to restore the filibuster to its original purpose, but we need your help to do it. Pick up the phone right now and urge your Senator to support Senate Rules Reform. Call 1-877-782-8274 and say: “I’m calling to ask that the Senator vote for real Senate rules reform and co-sponsor Senate resolutions 4 & 6. Please support meaningful Senate rules reform.” Call that same number a second time and you will be connected to your other Senator. Leave the same message.

That’s all it takes to help protect our democracy. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes.

Media outlets in 26 states are calling for this reform to take place. Some media outlets report that the Senate is possibly headed for only “modest” Senate rules changes, leading reformers are escalating public efforts in support of more substantial reforms, similar to those strongly supported by the American people. The Senate Needs More than “Modest” Reform. Rather than a handshake agreement that will likely cement the Senate status quo, we need our Senators to work to realize substantial and actual Senate rules changes. Majority leader Senator Harry Reid said in May 2012, “If there were anything that ever needed changing in this body, it’s the filibuster rules, because it’s been abused, abused, abused.”

Help fix this! We are all in this together. For more information go to Fix The Senate Now

“Washing one’s hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral” – Freire.

— Doug Williams, IUE-CWA

Posted in Our Blog

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