Latest Past Events
Care Community Host Training
Virtual EventOur care systems need massive transformation, whether we're talking about universal health care, paid leave, caregiver support, and more. This training will prepare individuals to host a gathering of TakeAction members, friends, and family to share care stories, support each other's healing, and take powerful collective action.
Earned Sick and Safe Time Hearing at #MNleg
Virtual EventMinnesota’s Earned Sick and Safe Time bill (H.F.7) would allow workers to accrue up to 48 hours of paid sick time per year as an employment benefit. Paid sick time means being able to comfort a sick child, go to the doctor, take time off to get a COVID test, or seek safety without having
BRIEFING: Lowering Drug Costs in Minnesota
Drugs don't work if people can't afford them. We all pay the price of out of control drug costs at the pharmacy and through health insurance premiums. Join TakeAction Minnesota for a short briefing on what we can do to lower out of control drug costs at the State Legislature in 2021. WHO: Local elected