MNsure Rates Will Help Hundreds of Thousands Find Improved Health Care Coverage With Lowest Average Rates Nationally

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 6, 2013
Contact: Greta Bergstrom, 651.336.6722,

MNsure Rates Will Help Hundreds of Thousands Find Improved Health Care Coverage With Lowest Average Rates Nationally

St. Paul, MN – TakeAction Minnesota’s Associate Director, Liz Doyle, released the following statement today in reaction to information released by MNsure, Minnesota’s Department of Commerce and Department of Health on rates and coverage choices to be offered on the new MNsure health exchange:

“After months of speculation, Minnesota now can claim the lowest average rates in the country with gold and silver plans costing less than bronze plans in other states. The range of consumer plan choices, along with the corresponding rates presented today, appear poised to lower health care costs for hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans.

“Today’s announcement is welcome news for Minnesota health care consumers. The range of coverage choices that will be offered by MNsure beginning October 1st are robust, with better benefit sets for individuals and families previously unable to obtain them. Together with the premium subsidies and cost assistance available exclusively through MNsure, Minnesotans across the state can look forward to
more health care choices to fit their health care needs and their budgets.

“What is critical going forward is making sure all Minnesotans are informed about the choices our new MNsure health exchange offers and are connected with the help they need to assess their options and choose the best plan for themselves and their families. Robust enrollment is key to the overall success of MNsure and improved health outcomes for the people in our state.”

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TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide people’s network of individual and organizational members working collaboratively to raise the voices of Minnesotans in their own communities to advance social, racial and economic justice. The organization has offices in St. Paul, Grand Rapids and Duluth.

Posted in Press Releases

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