Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, 612-386-9556
TakeAction Minnesota statement on proposal to amend the Minneapolis City Charter

ST. PAUL, MINN—For years, language in the Minneapolis City Charter has been a barrier to transforming how the city keeps people safe. Today, five members of the Minneapolis City Council brought up a proposal to amend the City’s Charter on the 2020 ballot. As the city continues to grieve the death of George Floyd, amending the Charter would be a significant step forward and reflects responsible governance. The people of Minneapolis have voiced their demand for change loud and clear.
TakeAction Minnesota released the following statement:
“Minneapolis is a poster child for police reforms and they have all failed. Responsible leaders have a duty to tell us the truth and recognize when a change of course is in order.
Today, the Minneapolis City Council unanimously voted to do better, launching the most comprehensive public process Minneapolis has ever seen to ensure the solutions put forward match the scope of the problem.
Five city councilors began the urgent process of amending the City’s Charter—through a vote by the people—to make necessary change possible. Any path short of transformation is a road we’ve been down before and we know where it leads. We applaud the City Council’s leadership, action, and commitment to governing with the community.”
TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide, independent, multiracial people’s organization working to advance democracy and equity through organizing, political action, and campaigns. Offices are located in St. Paul, St. Cloud, and Duluth.