People’s House Series: Expand Health Care, Don’t Cut It

In Minnesota, we care for each other.

My name is Amanda Otero and I’m the organizing director at TakeAction Minnesota. First, I believe that health care is always about two things: people and values.

People like Riley Schumacher, a TakeAction Minnesota leader from St. Cloud, MN who was an infant when he was diagnosed with common variable immune deficiency. Riley grew up fighting for his life. As an adult, Medicaid has been life saving and life changing for him.

Today, Riley is among the Minnesotans fighting to protect health care. Because in Minnesota, we care for each other. We’re resourceful, abundant, and we know that we’re stronger when nobody’s left behind.

Why is health care at risk in Minnesota?

Right now, health care for one million Minnesotans enrolled in MinnesotaCare and Medicaid is at risk. I’m sure you’re wondering how on earth did this happen?

So, here’s the short version.

First of all, Minnesota has a Health Care Access Fund that provides funding for Medicaid, MinnesotaCare, and critical public health programs. For 27 years, a provider tax has funded the Health Care Access Fund.

Actually, every state in the nation except Alaska has a health care provider tax to pay for programs like Medicaid.

However, in 2011 the Legislature passed a bill that would “sunset” the health care provider tax. In fact, it’s due to expire at the end of this year.

This means that Minnesota is at imminent risk of draining our Health Care Access Fund. As a result, our health care is on the line.

Take Action: Tell Your Legislators to Expand Health Care, Don’t Cut It

Currently, state lawmakers are in the process of putting together the state budget. They need to hear from you. Contact your legislators TODAY. Tell them to expand health care, not cut it.

Posted in Our Blog

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