SCOTUS Ruling Leaves Us All Worse Off

Contact:    Greta Bergstrom,, 651.336.6722

SCOTUS Ruling in Harris v. Quinn Chooses Corporations Over Home Care Workers Fighting to Improve Quality of Jobs and Client Care

St. Paul, MN – TakeAction Minnesota’s Executive Director, Dan McGrath, released the following statement following the 5-4 decision today in the Harris v. Quinn case:

“This morning’s decision by the Supreme Court in Harris v. Quinn again demonstrates the power of the courts to assist corporations in undermining the basic rights of people in this country. While narrow, the ruling helps corporations who receive public funding continue to diminish the voices and economic stability of home care workers and the quality of care given to their clients, the vast majority seniors and persons with disabilities.

“The SCOTUS ruling leaves us all worse off. Legally weakening the collective bargaining power of public employee unions strengthens the hand of corporations while increasing the vulnerability of workers and those they serve.

“Despite today’s decision, we will stand united with home care workers and organized labor in Minnesota to continue the fight for better quality care and good jobs. It is essential that we ensure home care workers have a strong voice to negotiate improvements for themselves and the clients they care for.  What is clear is that workers and their community allies must continue to stand in solidarity and organize together for an economy that works for all of us.”

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TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide people’s network of individual and organizational members working collaboratively to raise the voices of Minnesotans in their own communities to advance social, racial and economic justice. The organization has offices in St. Paul, Duluth and Grand Rapids.

Posted in Press Releases

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