On to November with Dai Thao!

At the DFL special endorsing convention for Saint Paul City Council Ward 1 on July 27th, TakeAction-endorsed Dai Thao was the standout in a strong field of candidates vying for the endorsement. Having put together an impressive campaign team in a short two-month period, and having worked tirelessly to secure delegate support, Dai led on 5 of 6 ballots with support from every corner of Ward 1’s diverse communities.

Dai energized the convention with his progressive vision for Ward 1. Dai recognizes that, as he put it, “our diversity is our strength… we are the answers to our challenges when we work together.” Dai painted a picture of a Ward with boundless potential, but still struggling under divisions of wealth and race, and too many obstacles to prosperity. Dai emphasized the need for a councilmember who “will drive hard bargains at City Hall” and “build every necessary relationship and leverage every opportunity to make sure our residents have a place at the table”.

His message was heard loud and clear. While the convention ultimately came to no endorsement, Dai won the day and heads into the General Election with momentum on his side. It will be a spirited contest, but Dai’s strong message and incredible campaign team make him formidable contender.

— Steve

Steve Rogness is TakeAction Minnesota’s Political Director. 

Posted in Our Blog

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