We are days away from the election & there is a lot at stake for the women and families in northeast Minnesota. Almost half of those working in our area
women and families
What’s happening on Grandparents Day

Last weekend, I used “FaceTime” with my Grandma Marion who lives in North Carolina. FaceTime isn’t complicated, it’s just an app on a cell phone that lets you video chat.
The Road to Equality Tour
In May, more than 100 women joined us in Duluth to talk about building a Minnesota that works for women and their families. Continuing the conversation this month, our friends
A Minnesota that supports women and families

Working mothers in Minnesota are increasingly the primary breadwinners in their families and make up more than half of the workforce in our state. Yet, women continuously fall behind in
A big step forward for women and their families

Moms working three jobs to support their family. Women being passed over for a promotion because they’ve got kids at home. Men being paid more for the same job. We’ve
Duluth City Council signals support for Women’s Economic Security Act
The Duluth City Council unanimously gave its blessing Monday night to a bill Gov. Mark Dayton signed into law this weekend. Councilors Sharla Gardner, Emily Larson and Jennifer Julsrud introduced