Voters, get ready!
Forget Election Day…it’s Election SEASON.
Early voting starts Friday, September 18 and runs until Monday, November 2. It’s time to flex.
All the information you need is in our Busy Voters’ Guide to Election Season. Our vote is our power. Get excited – get ready!
Who can vote in Minnesota?
You must be a U.S. Citizen
At least 18 years old on November 3
You must have lived in the state for at least 20 days
If you have a felony conviction, you must be finished with all parts of your sentence (aka off paper)
How do I register?
You can register to vote online or by requesting a paper registration form, or you can register on-site when you go to vote in person. Register to vote online today. It takes minutes. Once you’ve registered you can vote by mail or in person. The deadline to pre-register to vote is October 13.
Not sure if you’re registered? Check your voter registration status.
Can I register to vote on Election Day?
Yup. If you miss the October 13 deadline you can register to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Learn more about registering to vote on Election Day.
Options for voters
In 2020, we’re voting by mail or in person by November 3. Make your plan to vote now. Here are your options:
Vote by mail starting September 18
Anyone who is registered to vote in Minnesota can vote by mail.
- Request a ballot from the Secretary of State’s website. Your ballot will be mailed to you in a few days.
- Fill out your ballot, stick it in the enclosed envelopes, and send it back. Postage is paid for.
- And after you mail your ballot back track your ballot.
Mail in your ballot by October 15 to make sure it gets counted. Between October 15 and 3 p.m. on November 3, you can drop your ballot off in person at the election office that sent it to you.
Vote in person by November 2
If you’re an in-person voter, make your plan to vote between September 18 and November 2. Bring your friends and family. Find your early voting location and when they’re open.
Not registered? You can do that when you vote early. Just bring proof of residence.
At home voter? Take selfies. Post pics and tag @TakeActionMN.
Vote in person on November 3
If you’re not a mail-in or early voter, you can vote at the polls on Election Day between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Find out where your polling place is. There will be hand sanitizer and wipes to keep polling places safe for voters and COVID19 precautions in place. Wear your mask!
Questions? Email us.