TakeAction Minnesota Announces Newest Staff

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—February 8, 2017 Contact: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, 612-386-9556, kenza@takeactionminnesota.org

Leaders join us to inspire change, grow the resistance

St. Paul—TakeAction Minnesota is pleased to announce new staff joining its ranks. Four new staff are leading work in health care, climate justice, data, and communications. Established a decade ago, TakeAction Minnesota advances democracy and equity through organizing, political action, and communications. “This is an important political moment. Whether Minnesotans are concerned about the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act, corporate interests threatening our climate, or divisive rhetoric, there is enormous energy to build a stronger grassroots movement for social justice,” said Dan McGrath, Executive Director of TakeAction. “Sticking to our values and resisting what’s ahead will take the best of all of us and I’m pleased to announce the talented individuals joining our team.”

David Zaffran, Health Care Program Manager, previously worked with Service Employees International Union (SEIU) locals in Minnesota in communications and political organizing.

Mahyar Sorour, Climate Justice Program Manager, is a grassroots organizer who previously led environmental work with the Minnesota Public Interest Group (MPIRG).

Cindy Yang, Data IT Manager, is a political and community organizer as well as a systems expert who joins us from the corporate sector.

Kenza Hadj-Moussa, Communications Director, previously led communications for the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless.


TakeAction Minnesotais a statewide people’s network of individual and organizational members working collaboratively to raise the voices of Minnesotans in their own communities to advance social, racial, environmental and economic justice. The organization has offices in St. Paul and Duluth.Believe with us. Join the Resistance.

Posted in Press Releases

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