A big step forward for women and their families

Moms working three jobs to support their family. Women being passed over for a promotion because they’ve got kids at home. Men being paid more for the same job. 

We’ve heard these stories so many times, but this Mother’s Day, things changed as Governor Dayton signed the Women’s Economic Security Act into law — a huge step forward for Minnesota women and their families.

What does this mean?

  • A big expansion to earned sick time! Employees can now use sick time to stay home with sick grandkids or in-laws and for “safety leave” for the purpose of providing or receiving assistance because of sexual assault, domestic abuse, or stalking — and if your employer penalizes you for using sick time, Minnesotans now have a way to get protections 
  • New parents can now take 12 weeks of unpaid leave, up from 6 weeks, and employers now need to provide reasonable accommodations for pregnant and nursing employees
  • Better enforcement of equal pay laws
  • No more discriminating against women in the workplace for being a mother
  • Support for women dealing with the economic consequences of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault

These are just some of the provisions that will go into effect with the Women’s Economic Security Act.

We know that our work has just begun. Even with this great victory, women and their families will continue to face challenges. We’re ready to keep fighting so that all families can live with dignity.

But for now, thank you. People like you stood strong with bold legislative champions like Senator Sandy Pappas, Representative Carly Melin, and Governor Dayton to bring real change to the lives of Minnesota women and their families.

We couldn’t be more honored to have been a part of this victory.

Posted in Our Blog

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