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Beyoncé meets Breitbart
July 10, 2017
My parents emigrated from Mexico to Minnesota more than 25 years ago. I have a big familia. I have 10 tios and tias and 23 first cousins on my mom’s
#PayThePCA Campaign Update
PCAs, clients, and families are coming together on May 18th to push for legislation to increase wages and address the Care Crisis. Will you join us? For over a year,
What’s your plan for the next 100 days?
100 days ago, when the reality set in that Donald Trump is our president, I was shaken, as were all of us at TakeAction Minnesota. We knew then that we
BelieveResist: Action Alert
We’re almost there – 100 days of BelieveResist. And, I can tell you, I’m ready to keep going. Who’s with me? In the coming month, you’ll be hearing a
TakeAction Digest: This Week in Action
Today marks the 100th day of the BelieveResist campaign. 100 days of resistance against Trump’s first 100 days in office. 100 days of believing in a more just and equitable
A stateless people
Ann Coulter recently wrote that it’s not just “illegal” immigrants that are the problem, it’s legal immigrants too. She went on to single out Hmong Americans as murderers and rapists.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month, according to President Trump…
How are you doing on a physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual level? As TakeAction Minnesota’s Women of Color Organizer, asking this question to leaders at the end of our meetings
What’s in the state Health Care budget bills?
I’ve been thinking about health care at the Capitol this year as a three-act play. Act I: The Legislature passed a $300 million bill in January to assist Minnesotans buying