It’s a BIG election year. We’ve got the presidential elections taking over every headline in the major news outlet across the country. Countless rallies and speeches are happening in every state during their local caucuses and conventions. In the midst of all this BIG campaigning, it’s easy to lose sight of the races that are happening now in our own neighborhoods, right here.
These are people who will make decisions that impact us each and every day. People who come from our communities, who are most accountable to us, their constituents. We’ve endorsed candidates in targeted local races who are ready to fight to arm in arm with us to create a Minnesota where everyone can thrive. To make sure our endorsed candidates make it to the Capitol, we have the goal of raising $1,000 per candidate in April.

Today I want to introduce you to Ruben Vazquez, who’s running for State Representative in 41A , and Mary Kunesh-Podein, who’s running for State Representative in 41B, TWO candidates who will co-govern with us, and who will not only change the face of the Capitol but are also ready to make a huge impact.

We can’t afford to lose sight of these races because at the end of the day, they’ll have some of the BIGGEST impacts in our daily lives. This is where we can create the political landscape to create the Minnesota that we want. That’s why we want Ruben and Mary to win.
They’re two candidates who will not only be championing racial, gender and economic justice at the Capitol, but also represent our future in the diversity of our state.
Together, we can make sure Ruben and Mary win. Join us on the road to victory for these candidates, and the dream of a Minnesota as it could be.