Elizabeth Lienesch, More Benefits From the ACA Rolling In

Nearly 1 million MN women guaranteed access to preventive health services at no cost.  Thanks again Obamacare!

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has delivered yet another huge benefit this month!  As of August 1, 2012, women across the country started receiving guaranteed access in their health insurance plans to preventative health services without co-pays, co-insurance or a deductible.

What kinds of services are now covered without cost?  The list includes: well-visits, HIV screening and counseling for sexually transmitted infections, domestic violence screening and counseling, breastfeeding supplies, and family planning counseling.  According to a new study – 47 million women in the U.S. will benefit from these new services – including nearly 900,000 Minnesota women.

Check out this infographic from Planned Parenthood Action to see what all these services mean to women, their families, and our country:

No cost-sharing for preventative services is just one of the many benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).   The new federal health care law also bans discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, allows young adults to remain on their parent’s health plans until the age of 26, and does away with lifetime and annual limits.

Thanks again Obamacare!

Elizabeth Lienesch

Elizabeth Lienesch is TakeAction Minnesota’s Deputy Training & Organizing Director.  To get more involved in making sure the Affordable Care Act works for all Minnesotans – please contact her at Elizabeth@TakeActionMinnesota.org.

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