First Stop Today for MinnesotaCare Buy-In

February 28, 2017

CONTACT: Kenza Hadj-Moussa, TakeAction Minnesota 612-386-9556 or

Minnesotans facing extreme health care costs line up support

St. Paul — State lawmakers are considering the MinnesotaCare Buy-In bill today. The proposal is backed by Minnesotans who are facing skyrocketing health insurance prices on the private market.

MinnesotaCare is a quality, low-cost insurance program. It was created 25 years ago as a bipartisan solution, but only about 100,000 Minnesotans are eligible to enroll.

The bill would allow anyone to buy coverage through MinnesotaCare. Individuals buying health insurance on the private market are often small business owners, farmers, or self-employed—and their health costs have soared.

“We pay a premium of nearly $1,900 per month and reach our $7,600 deductible every year, totaling around $30,000. That can be up to a third of our income and it rivals our mortgage,” said Kelly Martinson, a small business owner from St. Paul. “The copay for my son’s growth hormone, which his own body cannot make since his brain tumor, is $2,700 per month. We cannot possibly save any money for our kids to go to college, or for our own retirement. If costs continue to rise, we will not be able to keep our house.”

At the Capitol, lawmakers are looking at the proposal to provide relief, in lower premiums and more access to doctors in rural areas.

“MinnesotaCare works, and it works well in Greater Minnesota,” said the bill’s chief author, Senator Tony Lourey, “The buy-in would allow Minnesotans to buy affordable, high-quality health insurance.” On average families would save $69 per month in premiums and have access to more doctors.

The plan was proposed by Governor Dayton and will be heard by the Senate Health and Human Services committee. It will cost $12 million to launch, and then will be fully funded by monthly premiums.

“MinnesotaCare also includes dental insurance, which is a huge health need that’s usually overlooked,” said Cooper Sheehan, a member of TakeAction Minnesota. “Minnesotans can’t wait. This is progress.”


TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide, multi-racial people’s organization. We advance democracy and equity through organizing, political action, policy campaigns, and communications. | BelieveResist

Posted in Press Releases

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