Help Getting Health Care

Earlier this year, I couldn’t wait for October 1st when finally we could stop talking about what the ACA might mean for people, and people could start seeing for themselves.

Unfortunately, as we all know, that period of uncertainty has continued a little longer than we expected for many people, because of challenges getting through MNsure,, and exchanges around the country.

But there’s a new tool that can help answer those questions for Minnesotans, and your friends and family around the country.

Raise your hand if someone you know has asked a question, posted on facebook, lobbed a tweet, complained or otherwise let you know that they just haven’t been able to figure out what’s out there for them? Raise your other hand if you haven’t been able to figure out what’s out there for you! (And then give your arms a good shake – this waiting and wondering is stressful)

There’s good news.

1) This great new tool takes just a minute to give you a really good idea of what you may qualify for when you complete an application on MNsure. It’s a calculator from Get Covered America and they’ve just updated it with all the great Minnesota-made programs like the rates of private plans on MNsure, MinnesotaCare, and expanded Medical Assistance for kids and pregnant women. You still need to apply through MNsure to get those benefits, but wouldn’t it be nice to know what you might find now? Check it out for yourself or a family member this holiday, and then go to and get enrolled!

2) There are people who want to help you and your loved ones apply at no cost to you – they’re called Navigators, they work for trusted community organizations around the state, and more and more of them are being certified by MNsure every day. You can look for one near you in this directory, or go straight to one of these organizations that have been helping people enroll for months, and have navigators in many areas of the state:

Please call them with your questions or to schedule an in person appointment. Additional Navigators are listed here.

And finally, let us know if you have good news to share about the coverage you found, to inspire others to be persistent and get through to the benefits they deserve.

Best wishes and happy holidays,

Posted in Our Blog

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