Judi Sateren, People vs. Big Banks

Today I joined over 300 people marching from Government Plaza to the lobby of Wells Fargo because I won’t be silent while Minnesotans are denied health care by HMOs holding millions of dollars in excess reserves. Because I won’t be silent while 45,000 Americans die each year because they don’t have health insurance.  And I won’t be silent knowing that members of Congress and corporate executives have access to high quality health care while many Americans must choose between food and medications.

I believe everyone in this country deserves health care. So when I see members of Congress threatening to destroy critical healthcare and social service programs like Medicaid and Social Security, I get angry. Cuts need to come from big corporations and big banks. Banks that are sitting on billions in reserves and pulling in profits hand over fist.

The action in downtown Minneapolis today was inspiring!  TakeAction folks were joined by Occupy MNt as well as people off the street.  Much to the dismay of the guard at the door, we poured into the Wells Fargo lobby.  After the representative we spoke with was not “able” to arrange a meeting with the head of the bank, our group left the premises on our own volition, chanting, “We will be back.”  And we will be back, bigger and better than ever, this Friday.  Will you join us?

Judi Sateren

Judi Sateren is a nurse and a leader with Together For Health, TakeAction Minnesota’s health care team.  

Posted in Our Blog

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