Co-governance is a model of governance that happens when organized people (like TakeAction Minnesota) and movement electeds work together to advance a shared agenda. Co-governance includes inside/outside strategizing, but it also shifts who decides and who benefits from the decisions made by governmental agencies and elected leaders.
We connected with TakeAction leader Claudia Zavala, who serves as co-chair of our Political Committee, to ask a few questions about why she does this work, and what it means for her and her community. Here’s what she had to say:
Why do you choose to do this work with TakeAction Minnesota?
The unfortunate reality is that in the United States you need a certain degree of privilege to do political work.
I do this work on behalf of everyone who is too busy, too tired, too disillusioned.
Despite having the level of privilege necessary to be active in this process, I don’t accept the hand I’ve been dealt by the system as a queer Latina. I know that my loved ones and I deserve a better life. That’s what TakeAction Minnesota helps me fight for.
I respect that Take Action understands that we’re fighting a half-a-dozen headed dragon (climate change, white supremacy, queerphobia, sexism, wealth and income inequality, institutional inequality) and organizes like it.

What does having TakeAction’s endorsement tell you about a candidate?
When you see that a candidate has been endorsed by TakeAction you can trust that they have entered a relationship based on the shared goal of creating strong, healthy communities by subverting the power structures that benefit a small group of individuals (typically white, male, and wealthy) and leave everyone else vulnerable.
They have an understanding that we can and will achieve this goal by organizing people, money, and ideas.
Finally, they will be held accountable by TakeAction members whose needs and interests are diverse and voices are loud.
What do you get out of participating in this process with TakeAction?
I get to work alongside incredible people; bringing people together and facilitating unlikely relationships is what TakeAction does best. I do this work out of self interest, everyone does, but it’s a huge benefit to me and my work to learn from and about others’ self interests and how I can support them as they support me. My work would suffer without the input of this community.
Want to get involved in the political work we’re doing across Minnesota? Here are three easy ways to plug in:
Sign up for a Wednesday night Deep Canvass phone bank into Minneapolis, where we connect with folks across the city to build the grassroots people power that we need to govern – regardless of who holds elected office. Training is provided!
Connect with a TakeAction organizer to get involved with important political work happening in your local community and at the state legislature. Send an email to info@takeactionminnesota.org.
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