MNsure Health Insurance Exchange Signed into Law by Governor Dayton

Contact: Greta Bergstrom, 651.336.6722,


TakeAction Minnesota Reacts to Historic Legislation “Designed To Put
the Health Care Needs of Minnesotans as its Top Priority”

St. Paul, MN – On Wednesday, Governor Mark Dayton signed Minnesota’s new Health Insurance Exchange, MNSure, into law. Dan McGrath, Executive Director of TakeAction Minnesota issued this statement:

“Today, Governor Dayton signed some of the most historic legislation of the past fifty years into state law, ensuring that 1.3 million Minnesotans have access to affordable health care coverage, including 300,000 currently uninsured individuals and over 150,000 employees of small businesses struggling to provide coverage. MNSure is designed to put the health care needs of Minnesotans as its top priority.

“The new MNSure health care marketplace will ensure that health insurance plans will compete for consumer business in an open and transparent way by allowing consumers to select the plan that meets their budget and health care needs. MNSure will bring much needed security and financial peace-of-mind to hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans struggling to get the health care they need when they need it.

“For the first time ever, Minnesota health care consumers are on a level playing field with health insurance companies. This exchange means that individuals, as well as the employees and owners of small businesses, will have the same buying power and control over their health plans as big businesses.

“We appreciate the Governor’s recognition of TakeAction Minnesota’s work in making sure a people-centered health care exchange is now the law of our state, and thank him for being a tenacious leader in making today’s signing a reality. We look forward to MNSure’s implementation in the coming months and will work to make sure its promise is realized for the people of Minnesota.”

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TakeAction Minnesota is a statewide people’s network of individual and organizational members working collaboratively to raise the voices of Minnesotans in their own communities to advance social, racial and economic justice.

Posted in Press Releases

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