We believe in a city where…
We believe in a city where each and every person, family, and community is successful and able to live in joy and abundance—a life that is fulfilling, safe, healthy, and happy.
We believe in a city where our truth and wisdom transform crises and trauma from the past and present into healing and justice.
We believe in a city where the inherent worth and dignity of each and every person is recognized without exception. We celebrate that we are all connected to each other, and to the land we live on, and the water that we drink. Where we view these connections as a source of support that we can freely rely on without shame.
We believe in a city where each and every person’s needs are fully met – in this moment and for the future. Where everyone has access to healthcare and medicine, a belly full of healthy food, a stable roof over their head, clean water to drink, and clean air to breathe. Where we all have a stable climate to live in, on an earth that is protected and loved.
We believe in a city where each and every person feels safe and valued. Where communities of color, particularly Black community members, are not targeted, harassed, brutalized, and murdered by our public servants. Where the people sworn to protect and serve us honor their commitments to keeping everyone safe – no exceptions.
We believe in a city where our government, public departments, and economy are by us and for us. Where every person has the choice and power to make the decisions that affect their community, their lives, and their futures – especially communities that have been denied opportunities for generations.
We believe in a city where our politics is people-centered. Where we work hand-in-hand with decision-makers and break down the silos between people and their government—reshaping government as a place for all of us to come together and craft policy from our shared values. Where our elected leaders and the agencies they oversee operate with care and integrity, and are always held accountable for their actions.
We see possibilities where this transformative work can happen. Some of these possibilities are:
COVID-19 Relief and Recovery
We elect leaders to care for us and provide the relief we need to be well and make ends meet – no exceptions. COVID-19 has shown us that our health is intertwined. True recovery from the pandemic requires equitable, inclusive relief programs that leave no one out. We support relief legislation that puts people before corporations and includes undocumented Minnesotans, who disproportionately work in the essential jobs that have gotten us through this pandemic.
Safety for All
We have the moral responsibility—and the power—to ensure everyone feels safe and their lives are valued. We know that a police-only model of safety is not working, and the safest communities are not the ones with the most police. Now is the time to start transforming public safety through the lens of community care and public health, and sending the right kinds of first responders to help people when they need it. It requires critical investments in our schools, libraries, recreation centers, and community gathering spaces. We reject failed and dangerous policing models that disenfranchise and harm our most vulnerable communities. We support restorative justice and community-based solutions to safety.
Care / Healthcare
We believe that our body, mind, and spirit is our first home and we deserve care without restrictions and furthers lives of all people with dignity and joy and with as much independence as they choose. We support policies that put workers first, such as earned sick time and living wages; and programs that invest in community health and wellness.
Affordable Housing
We know all individuals and families deserve affordable, quality, safe, and stable housing. Our people have a right to place, and to build a future where they feel like they belong and all parts of their humanity is honored. We support investment without fear of being displaced by new development.
Climate Justice
We know confronting climate change requires transitioning to a green economy, investing in infrastructure, and reversing the harms of pollution. We support expanding and electrifying public transit fully-funding public transportation, divesting from fossil fuels, and moving to 100 percent renewable energy by 2030. We are an interconnected state and planet and urge our government to Stop Line 3.
Public Education
We know a strong public education system is the heart of a city. This means correcting the historic inequities in our funding structures and fighting privatization of our schools. We support a strong public education system that is fully funded and racially equitable.
People-Centered Governance
We are generating a new, people-centered politics that is focused on transforming structures of inequity and frees us all to live in peace, prosperity, and joy. We are challenging corporate power, structural racism, and gender oppression, because our liberation is tied to each other. We support values-aligned leaders so they can win and govern boldly so that our democracy and economy work for all of us.