People’s House Series: (Update!) HMO Conversion Bill Moves Forward

Minnesota State Capitol building

In Minnesota, we believe in fairness and the common good.

This week, hundreds of TakeAction Minnesota members contacted their legislators about Minnesota allowing for-profit health insurance companies from entering the state and why we need strong HMO conversion laws. Today, Rep. Jen Schultz’s bill (HF533) was approved by the House Commerce committee. This is great news for Minnesotans, as we continue to work toward a people-centered health care system.
Rep. Jen Schultz (Duluth)

Here’s what Rep. Schultz said about the bill a news release today:

“Minnesotans expect that money they’ve paid toward health care will go toward just that purpose: providing health care, not enriching insurance company executives and shareholders.”

“The repeal of the for-profit ban was in addition to the $542 million handout insurance companies received from the reinsurance bill. As we work on real solutions making health care more affordable and improving the quality of care Minnesotans receive, the accountability measures in this bill will help ensure that money for health care is spent on people, not going toward corporate profits.”

We agree. And we’re grateful for the champions who are standing up for Minnesotans.

Take Action to Stop the Health Care Heist

We’re headed in the right direction, but we can’t keep our eyes off this bill. Join our email list to stay informed.If you haven’t contacted your legislators about this already, reach out right now. Contact both your state legislators TODAY.

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