Safety is not police who put property over people

We’ve known about the collaboration between Enbridge and Minnesota law enforcement for months, and this week we learned even more about the lengths a Canadian multinational corporation has taken to suppress Line 3 resistance. Yesterday, it was reported that Enbridge has paid local Minnesota police over two million dollars to incentivize the surveillance, brutalization, and arrests of water protectors. 

Yesterday, we also saw more evidence of how the Minneapolis Police Department terrorized us in the days following George Floyd’s murder – and were reminded that no officers have been disciplined for their conduct, even as our city faces multiple class action lawsuits for their violent behavior.

If you aren’t familiar with what happened in Minneapolis in May and June of 2020, please read this article and share it with your community. If you are familiar, I hope you are taking care; I appreciated Sheila Nezhad’s recognition of the trauma that many of our neighbors are dealing with, and Kate Knuth’s reminder that Mayor Frey is complicit in this trauma. 

Across Minnesota, we need to prioritize safety – not policing that continues to reveal its white supremacist roots, and that protects power and property instead of people. Take action for a Minnesota that keeps us safe by making sure we all have stable housing, clean water, and trained professionals who are committed to serving with care and compassion: 

  • Make your voice heard and vote in your local election by November 2nd. Check in with your community to make sure they have plans to vote, too!
  • Stable housing keeps us safe. Join us October 11-16 for a week of action to #KeepStPaulHome, and chip in to support our movement for housing justice – nothing’s scarier to corporate landlords than Saint Paul solidarity. 
  • Fund our movement to elect a progressive majority in Minneapolis, let your neighbors know how you feel about the mayor, and look great doing it – order your #DontRankFrey shirt today
  • Connect with folks across Minneapolis about Yes 4 Minneapolis and public safety. Sign up for a phone bank or door knock shift. 
  • Sign up for a phone bank shift to elect Azrin Awal to the Duluth City Council. 
  • Continue calling on President Biden to use his executive authority and be the climate leader he campaigned as – he can still #StopLine3
Posted in Our Blog

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