Throughout 2017, TakeAction Minnesota members have organized to defend Medicaid by collecting and sharing stories, mobilizing Minnesotans to vociferously oppose bills that would harm Medicaid.
Congressman Jason Lewis ‘appalled’ by protesters at his door
A group of about 20 protesters showed up at U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis’ (R) house in Woodbury on Wednesday. They coursed up his driveway bearing signs, crowded around his front
Stigma, Skinny Repeal, and “Charity Case” Health Care
Growing up as a kid with a disability, I felt both the stigma society places on people with disabilities, and the importance of connecting with people to make change. I
GOP Medicaid Cuts Hit Rural America Hardest, Report Finds
By Phil Galewitz June 7, 2017 Rural America carried President Donald Trump to his election night upset last November. Trump Country it may be, but rural counties and small towns
Chris Conry, Tipping the Scales Toward the Top 2%
Some decisions are difficult. What to do with the expiring Bush Tax Cuts is not one of them. Immediately after the election the U.S. Congress will meet in its ‘lame
Elizabeth Lienesch, Tax Wall Street
Leaders and staff from TakeAction were proud to join members of the Minnesota Nurses Association at the fair yesterday evening to tell Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation to “Tax Wall Street to