Last weekend hundreds of Minnesotans gathered in St. Paul and watched online as we elected our board of directors, kicked off a bold agenda for change in 2014, dreamed big
organizing a new economy
VIDEO: Saturday, February 15 — 2014 Annual Meeting Livestream
Our 2014 Annual Meeting & Progressive Carnival is this Saturday, February 15th at 10:30 a.m. at St. Paul Central High School Hundreds of Minnesotans will gather to launch TakeAction’s work
VIDEO: Boring Meetings Protest
Breaking! A group of tiny protesters has taken over our office in advance of our 2014 Annual Meeting in protest of boring meetings. Head below the fold to watch what
Pause for a moment to celebrate.
As we close out 2013, take a look at all that people-power made possible this year, and start dreaming big about what big change we can win together in 2014
Joy Among Our Righteous Anger
On Black Friday I was arrested with 25 others in an act of civil disobedience to demand an end to poverty wages in Minnesota. It was the busiest shopping day
Being welcomed into homes
I approached the minimum wage door knock I had signed up for yesterday tired and stressed. I wasn’t fully committed to being there but wanted to follow-through on what I
Celebrating HOW we won
Last Friday, at our Annual Leadership Awards Celebration, we celebrated the concrete change we have all won that makes our lives and the lives of our loved ones – and
What’s working in Minnesota?
Consider what life is like in our neighboring states in the upper Midwest. To the south, in Iowa, farm and rural activists are fighting off factory farms at every turn.
$9.50 vs. $7.75: Looking Past the Numbers.
At the end of the 2013 legislative session, Governor Mark Dayton, Speaker of the House Paul Thissen, and Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk agreed on one thing: they will need
What Babysitters Can Tell Us About Minnesota’s Fate
For the last five years my wife and I have had a string of top-notch babysitters. Our two daughters have had the benefit of getting to spend time with young