The People’s Squad is Big, Hopeful, and Ready to Win.

The moment we’re in is overwhelming and, yes, frightening. But when we are united, when we care for each other, when we believe in building a brighter future – hope shines through the darkness.

I’m struggling. Most people I know are also struggling. I linger in bed for longer in the morning, feeling worse than usual. Our world is literally on fire, ICE is committing massive human rights violations, and 200,000 people have died in the US due to COVID.

On my Twitter timeline this morning, I came upon this story of a Hmong refugee family who found connection in – and to –  America through country music. I was reminded of my own parents, how much they love country music, and how much they have struggled in this country.

I thought about my little brother, who is seven. I reflected on my fierce commitment to build a more caring world for him. I stayed in bed a little longer and cried, feeling a little more than hopeless. 

A photo of author LyLy's brother Leland, age 7,standing on a street in front of a house. Leland is wearing a blue jacket and a face mask, and waving at the camera.
LyLy’s brother Leland, age 7

After more scrolling (which I have now learned is called doomscrolling), I was reminded that “Hope is a Discipline.” This wisdom comes from Mariame Kaba, a prison industrial complex abolitionist I admire.

Amidst feelings of fear, isolation, and rage, I’m also trying to practice hope. Here’s how: 

How are you practicing hope these days? 

I’ve had to jump into lots of meetings today, and after each one, I started to feel better. While I may feel isolated, I’m reminded daily that the work I am doing is not in isolation. I work with brilliant, committed people – TakeAction staff, leaders, and community activists around the state. Together, we’re building a more powerful, loving world. 

That gives me hope and motivates me to keep fighting, even in the darkest moments.

We need more people with us in this fight, in this people-centered movement to ensure that every person is free to live in joy. 

Join the #PeoplesSquad. Be a part of our grassroots-powered, statewide campaign to get out the vote for candidates who will fight for the future we deserve. Sign up to #SquadUp with us this Election Season.

The Squad is big. And hopeful, joyful, and determined to create the world we dream of. It’s time to flex. It’s time to win.

PS: Early voting has officially started! Don’t forget to request your ballot! I’ll be casting mine #TheMinuteIGetIt. Join me!

Posted in Our Blog

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