Vision Duluth Launches!

For the last year we’ve been working hard at TakeAction and with other organizations to put together a shared vision for Duluth rooted in equity and democracy. Personally, I’ve participated in hundreds of conversations with people who’s voices are too often invisible and unheard. And I am so inspired by what has come out of these conversations and how it has created a clear path for our work at TakeAction.  After hearing from hundreds of people, and sharing with thousands more, we are finally ready to bring this vision to the larger community. On October 19th we’re launching Vision Duluth!

What is Vision Duluth?

It began as nine organizations thinking together about how to strengthen our capacity to move forward policies that advance equity across our city. It moved into hundreds of conversations across our city where people began to imagine what a new vision for Duluth could be. It’s about working together, across organizations and with individuals, to address disparities by moving equitable solutions at a city level. Vision Duluth is rooted in the belief that together we are stronger, solutions must be shaped by those living experiences of injustice, and that we do so by being in deep, accountable, and transformative relationships with our elected officials.

Here’s a little teaser of what we heard:

The city people want contains jobs that pay living wages with benefits and transportation to get to jobs. Housing that is affordable and accessible for all. Resources and consideration of needs that are spread equitably from West to East Duluth. With safe & free recreation activities for youth. Where our urban green spaces are protected and our elected officials work with all people to implement good policy.

The barriers that stand in the way are racism, lack of focus on affordable housing with too much focus on market rate housing development, low wage jobs without benefits, gap in transportation between jobs and housing, geographic divide, drugs and violence.

How we get to the city we want  is by working together as individuals and organizations, with genuinely bold and progressive elected officials, who work with those impacted by decisions, to tackle issues through policy solutions. To move beyond talking points to what will make life easier for people.

Come learn more about how this vision was created and how we can make it a reality in our community.