We are in this together

Being bold and ambitious means not going it alone. In order to bring into existence a more just and compassionate community we need strong, trusted partnerships. In Duluth we work closely with Chum, who not only shares a similar vision for what’s possible but is charting a shared course on how to get there together. It means they’re in the fight with us day in and day out, on good days and bad. Chum and TakeAction have come together on issues that align both organizations, whether it’s restoring the right to vote for 47,000 Minnesotans or ensuring workers in St. Louis County can have access to earned sick and safe time.

But beyond that we are building. We are weaving our people together creating a shared story. A story that says more is possible when we work together. This relationship continues to deepen each time we come to the table as equal partners committed to the same change in the world. What we are doing– a training together, a press conference, meetings with elected officials or making copies for  one another when the printer breaks. Regardless the activity, we are working together to make more possible. Below is a blog post written by Cara Lundberg, an intern at Chum as she finishes her last week with Chum. Thanks to Chum and Cara for painting a picture of our work together in Duluth:

It’s clear that Minnesota continues to need action in addressing social injustice.  And since it looks like the Avengers are too preoccupied with their latest film to save the day, TakeAction Minnesota and CHUM have partnered up to make change happen right here in Duluth.  With a shared passion for social justice and the skills to make it happen, it only makes sense that this would be a dynamic duo!

TakeAction and CHUM have joined in on the fight to make over 47,000 silenced voices heard in Minnesota.  Many disenfranchised individuals have already paid the price for their actions and are giving back to the community.  Despite their progress, Minnesota is still telling them that their voices matter less than their neighbors’ by not giving them their right to vote. Thanks to the connection between Chum and TAMN we are raising up the voices of the 47,000. Just this week a Chum leader was featured in the local paper sharing his story and his voice.  And last month Chum met with TakeAction leaders in St. Paul for the Restore the Vote lobby day. 

Earned Sick and Safe Time is another pressing issue that we’re working on together for Duluth.  The right to Earned Sick and Safe Time is a great need in our area with over 50% of workers in St. Louis County without a single paid day off.  At Chum we know this this leads to being forced to make tough decisions.  In many cases, it means choosing between caring for yourself and your loved ones and keeping your job. At Chum we bring the voices of those 50% to the table to say we have to do better. It was work between Chum and TakeAction that made it possible for someone like Tiffany to be prepared and supported in sharing her story at the launch of the Minnesota Benefits Campaign and engaging as a leader for the long haul. 

What exactly are TakeAction and CHUM doing to make change happen?  Although equipped with an incredibly powerful base of people who can speak to the personal struggle of the issues, we understand that we need leaders to move us even further.  TakeAction and CHUM have taken on the role of providing monthly trainings to give community members in Duluth affected by the issues the skills and confidence to become leaders on making these changes happen. 

These monthly trainings bring together diverse groups of people from all sorts of backgrounds, all with the same purpose.  You can feel the eagerness to make change happen in the room.   True leaders don’t create followers; they create more leaders.  And that is how TakeAction and CHUM are creating movements from little ol’ Duluth. 

Posted in Our Blog

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The problems we face are bigger than one campaign, one issue, or one election.

We need a statewide, multiracial movement to change who decides and who benefits in Minnesota. And we need you to be part of that.

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