Week in Action: The Social Media Scoop

In case you missed it, this is from last Friday’s Week in Action email:

This week, we’re sharing a bunch of news and stories that were shared—or unfolded—on social media this week. Some are serious, some are funny. The bigger point of this week’s digest is that social media can be used for good, in our democracy and in our society. All of us have the power to spread joy and knowledge online.

If you want to join us, start by taking the HELL YES I’ll be a primary voter pledge today.

Hope you enjoyed the 4th of July. We’re off for vacation next week.

Here’s what we’re reading and watching this week:

1. #SecondCivilWar

When Alex Jones, a right-wing conspiracy theorist, declared Democrats were planning to launch a civil war on July 4th, thousands of people responded with Ken Burns style Civil War letters on Twitter: “The war isn’t going as planned. Our supply trucks are limited. I’m out of wine and sunscreen. The enemy burned all the books and there is no place to recharge my Kindle.” No deep meaning, we just laughed really hard. Read about it here and here.

2. Corporate Influence in the Governor’s Race

Tim Pawlenty isn’t stepping down from corporate boards, including a frac sand corporation, while running for public office. This week, he went after Erin Murphy and Tim Walz on Twitter. He didn’t know Johanna Rupprecht was watching. All of us have the power to do what Johanna did. You have to read what went down.

3. Why Women Are Having Fewer Babies

Inaction on child care and long-term care is a national crisis. Did you know the birthrate in the U.S. is at a record low for the second year in a row? At the top of the list of reasons why women aren’t having children: child care is too expensive. Read about it.

4. Scott Pruitt Resigns

It’s only a matter of time before all of the scandals surrounding the Trump Administration come to light. This week, the head of the EPA resigned, but investigations into him won’t stop. Read it here.

5. Abolish ICE

Latinx leaders quickly turned the #KeepFamiliesTogether movement into momentum for abolishing ICE, a relatively new government agency. The human and policy case for abolishing ICE is strong. It was created after 9/11, and wasn’t meant to capture people who were simply working in restaurants. As Ilhan Omar said, “An agency created only 15 years ago, whose tactics are inhumane and brutal, isn’t necessary for a healthy democracy. What we need is to pass a clean DREAM Act and provide a path to citizenship for all DACA and TPS recipients.” Read this Twitter thread about the history of ICE to learn more.

6. Janelle Monae

She’s a black, queer, free spirit, pop heroine, Prince-inspired musical wonder who met tons of fans in Minneapolis this week. Read about the star people are talking about.

7. Romance on a Plane

This social media story went viral this week. Tens of thousands of people watched the story of #PlaneBae unfold in real time. There’s a little magic to this life. Enjoy the saga here.

8. Politics of Joy

This is why we love Erin Murphy for Governor of Minnesota. See her campaign blossoming in pictures and tweets from Minnesotans across the state. Her campaign is fueled by lots of people, not lots of money. Check out what #PoliticsofJoy is all about.

Send us what you’re reading. That’s a wrap.

— Chris Conry and Kenza Hadj-Moussa

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