Winning a Minneapolis that serves and protects all of us

Blue and yellow on a white background. "Winning Minneapolis: Our path to a city that includes, protects, and values all of us." Includes photos and names of candidates with their wards and the Yes 4 Minneapolis and TakeAction Minnesota logos.

On Monday, the TakeAction leadership assembly announced a dual endorsement of Sheila Nezhad and Kate Knuth for Minneapolis mayor. Kate and Sheila join a fantastic slate of candidates for Minneapolis City Council and Park Board, and we’re grateful to our members for their clarity and decisiveness throughout the endorsement process.

It’s going to take all of our candidates, and all of us, to win the Minneapolis we need and deserve this fall. Together, we can build a city that includes, protects, and values all of us – here’s how: 

  1. Rank Sheila and Kate on your ballot for Minneapolis mayor – and don’t rank Jacob Frey. Kate and Sheila have the experience, care, and accountability necessary to lead our city. Mayor Frey has had his chance to lead, and four years later, Minneapolis is not better off. Ranked choice voting gives us the opportunity to support our favorite candidates, name our second choices, and omit candidates that we don’t support. Check out this video to learn more about the process. 
  2. Vote YES for Minneapolis to replace the Minneapolis Police Department with a new Department of Public Safety. This fall, we can keep the fundamentally flawed, white supremacist system of policing that has failed us and harmed our neighbors of color for the past 150 years – or we can use the power of our local democracy to build a new holistic, life-affirming approach to public safety that serves and protects all of us, no exceptions. 
  3. Elect a city council that works with and for the people. The Minneapolis city council will write the ordinances that define our new department of public safety. When we vote Yes 4 Minneapolis in the fall, we need elected officials who are ready to act boldly and co-govern with us to create policies that include, protect, and value every Minneapolis resident. 

Now, take action to make these wins a reality: 

We know what we need to thrive, and we have the wisdom and people power to elect leaders who put care, community, and accountability at the center of their work. We’re glad you’re with us, and grateful that we can continue this work together. 

Posted in Our Blog

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