Getting Through This Together
Dear Friends,
There’s a lot going on right now and we’re living in a strange and different time. Take a moment before you read on to:
🌱 stretch or move around as you are able,
🌱 drink some water if you haven’t yet today (and no, coffee doesn’t count!), and
 🌱 take a few deep breaths to get yourself centered.Â
Thanks for doing that. We care about you.
We’re feeling all sorts of ways here at TakeAction. Some of us are caregivers and are struggling to juggle work time, play time, and caring for ourselves. Some of us are ready to take action because we know that our federal government isn’t. Some of us are anxious and worried because our loved ones are frontline responders or are deeply impacted by COVID-19. We imagine you and your loved ones are in a similar spot.
Whatever you’re feeling is OK.
As a community, we’ve never faced something like COVID-19 before. We’ve seen our communities rise up like never before: mutual aid mapping, public schools innovating, and neighbors connecting. Witnessing acts of social solidarity in a time of physical distance has been nurturing and joyful. We know that no one is safe until we are all safe.
We believe in a multiracial, multi-generational democracy that’s people-centered, abundant, connected, and joyful.
Together with our partners, we launched the Minnesota COVID-19 Response.
It’s a website that details a list of policy demands like guaranteed wages for workers most impacted by the pandemic, a moratorium on evictions and utility shutoffs, keeping ICE out of our communities, and so much more. It also has some FAQs about COVID-19, general budget advice, and links to food and childcare assistance.
If you believe in a responsive democracy that cares for all people, no exceptions, sign on to our list of demands.
There’s a lot going on right now and it feels like it’s changing every minute. We’ve been watching funny videos on TikTok, going on walks, meditating, and baking to keep ourselves going. Take some space for you and your loved ones today.
Thank you for being here with us.
In solidarity,
The whole team at TakeAction