At Target, criminal history check box ends for job applicants

Minnesota-based Target Corp. says it’s eliminating, nationally, the box on forms that asks if job applicants have criminal histories. A new Minnesota law requires private employers in the state to

How Criminal Records Worsen the Jobs Gap

The Twin Cities region has one of the country’s widest racial gaps in employment, according to the Economic Policy Institute. The advocacy group Take Action Minnesota says one reason for

‘We Are All Criminals’ is a Hard Look at Those Not Caught

Jeana Raines got her life back on Tuesday, as the Minnesota Board of Pardons wisely forgave and erased long-ago transgressions. The mother of three has since paid restitution for check

Joint religious coalition organizes to support increase in state’s minimum wage

Monday, Oct. 21 saw a community forum at Grand Rapids’ Community Presbyterian Church on raising Minnesota’s hourly minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $9.50 by 2015. The forum was

Justice 4 All: Bridging the racial jobs gap

Did you know that in Minnesota one in five people have an arrest or conviction record that can show up on a routine criminal background check for employment? Community members

Uninsured Find More Success via Health Exchanges Run by States

Robyn J. Skrebes of Minneapolis said she was able to sign up for health insurance in about two hours on Monday using the Web site of the state-run insurance exchange in Minnesota,

Insurance exchange will force choices

For decades, Brad and Heidi Stokes have put health care at the center of every important life ­decision. Heidi Stokes, whose lupus was diagnosed when she was a teenager, picked