George Floyd’s Death Resurfaces Amy Klobuchar’s Tough-On-Crime, Easy-On-Cops Record

Klobuchar’s actions as a prosecutor caused trauma that’s been long-lasting. With everything that’s happened in Minneapolis and across the country, Klobuchar would put Biden at even more of a disadvantage

What people are saying about Minnesota’s projected budget deficit

A coalition that includes TakeAction Minnesota, SEIU MN State Council, ISAIAH, the Minnesota Nurses Association, OutFront and other progressive groups called for tax increases for the wealthy, saying “the choices we make now

Walz administration asks activists to back off on calls for a rent strike in Minnesota

Among the political and labor organizations supporting rent cancellation, if not a rent strike, are TakeAction Minnesota and the Service Employees International Union. The majorities of the Minneapolis, St. Paul and

As coronavirus spreads in Minnesota, it exposes racial inequalities

“One of the biggest challenges in front of us is that there are no simple answers, and the reason that we continue to have disparate outcomes across race in our

Minnesota congressional delegation unites for COVID response

“The largest corporations stand to access hundreds of billions of dollars with little public oversight,” Take­Action Minnesota, a progressive advocacy and organizing group, said in a news release Thursday. “Meanwhile, the safety net for many classifications of workers and undocumented working families is nonexistent.”

Amy Klobuchar ends campaign for president

On Sunday night, the Klobuchar campaign canceled a Twin Cities homecoming rally after an extended disruption by Black Lives Matter activists.

“I think there was a light shone on the lack of a strong connection she’s had with communities of color in our state. It’s been magnified in a big and public way,” said Kenza Hadj-Moussa, spokeswoman for TakeAction Minnesota, a grassroots organizing group that has endorsed Sanders. “That’s not to say candidates can’t grow in this analysis, and build or rebuild relationships.”

Super Tuesday race tightens in Amy Klobuchar’s Minnesota

But Sanders has the backing of two progressive stars with national followings — U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar and Attorney General Keith Ellison — as well as some other office-holders on the left. TakeAction Minnesota, a powerful grassroots organization, is mobilizing supporters to turn out for Sanders.

“It will be close in Minnesota, but people who support Bernie are very clear about their support for him,” said Kenza Hadj-Moussa, the group’s director of public affairs.