Our Blog
Bold & Visionary change in Duluth
September 16, 2015
This year we had the awesome opportunity to talk with thousands of Duluthians about their vision for Duluth’s future. We collaborated with many organizations representing the diverse people of our
Back to School Without Earned Sick Time
All summer long workers have been gathering together with Minneapolis City Council Members to talk about the difficult choices they make when they or their family members become sick. With

Our Women in Leadership Event: A Great Success!
Our Women in Leadership event held in Duluth was a huge success! Thanks to the over 60 community members and their families who shared their evening with us at our

The Power of Women
If someone were to ask you what leadership is, I’m sure your responses would be as varied as the responses I have heard when people are asked to define racial
Navigators: Keeping the Consumer Interest at Heart
By Megan Halena. As the Health Care Program Coordinator at TakeAction Minnesota, I work with Navigators to learn about the realities of people’s health insurance needs and options, to assist
Taking Stock of Session
We can change who benefits in our economy when we change who decides in our democracy. It is because we believe in this simple idea that we as members of

Still Fighting to Make 47K Voices Heard
Last weekend, strong, bi-partisan language that would restore the right to vote to 47,000 Minnesotans stalled at the Capitol. Thousands of Minnesotans like you took action this year to move
MinnesotaCare: Big news, but big cuts
When the House Republicans made it a priority to eliminate MinnesotaCare this year, we faced an uphill battle to protect this essential program. But thousands of Minnesotans like you spoke