Our Blog
Liz Doyle, The Latest Front in the Revenue Fight
November 8, 2011
The first deadline of the Congressional “Super Committee” is now fast approaching. The bipartisan Super Committee is charged with developing a plan to reduce the national deficit by $1.2 trillion
Jess Alexander, There is Something Big Happening Out There
Thursday, October 13th, our actions against the big banks got personal. On Wednesday, while calling people for the big march at the end of the week, we talked to one
Jess Alexander, We Change Ourselves As We Change the World
We are at our best when we come together to take action as a strong community. By Wednesday of this week, Minnesotans for a Fair Economy (MFE), TakeAction Minnesota, and
Jess Alexander, Community Voices Get Heard
Everybody has something to say about what’s wrong and how everything is messed up. But most of the time we don’t get heard — we just complain, and nobody listens.
Judi Sateren, People vs. Big Banks
Today I joined over 300 people marching from Government Plaza to the lobby of Wells Fargo because I won’t be silent while Minnesotans are denied health care by HMOs holding
Jess Alexander, Making Big Banks Listen
Everyone is worried about the economy. There are not enough jobs, people are broke, and corporations are holding onto to much wealth for things to improve. We’re mad about it.
Dan McGrath, What’s It Going To Take?
Here are three facts about our economy that make me mad. Fact #1: The median wage for American workers have barely increased in 30 years. As prices rise and consumer
Dan McGrath, Who Should Win?
From the Arab spring to the protests over union rights in Wisconsin, and from Minnesota’s state government shutdown to the debt ceiling debate, 2011 stands out as a year where