Community Safety Needs to Include Everyone

Minneapolis is caught in a cycle of recurring, preventable crises. After years of systematic violence against Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities, we are ready to act with clarity and urgency to create systems of community safety that work for everyone. We, the people of Minneapolis, have a moral responsibility to defend Black lives and transform public safety together. 

Rather than serving or protecting us, the Minneapolis Police Department has been incompetent at preventing or addressing violent crime in our communities. Despite this, they remain one of the most over-funded police departments in the country. Investing in policing has not provided our communities with the safety we need and deserve, and we know that it’s past time to invest in solutions that work.  

Even as they fail to keep us safe, MPD continues inflicting disproportionate violence on communities of color. This violence, rooted in white supremacy, is historic and entrenched in our current system of public safety. After 150 years, we know this system isn’t just broken – it is beyond reform. Community safety needs to include all of us if we want it to work for any of us. 

Minneapolis residents: Join us for a Community Conversation on public safety on Tuesday, June 22, at 5:00 – 7:00 pm to discuss current issues, municipal elections, and the Yes 4 Minneapolis charter amendment. 

Minneapolis has incredible people power, and the dedication to help transform how we view safety. Together, we will build a future where we can all not only survive but thrive. 

Register to join us on Tuesday, and take action at our weekly Wednesday deep canvass phonebanks!

Posted in Our Blog

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