Did you watch the Presidential Debate?

If you’re the kind of person that reads a post-debate blog from us, then I think I can safely make two guesses about you. First, I bet you, like me, watched the debate last night (even if you didn’t, I know you’ve heard some chatter about it on the radio or Facebook). Second, I’m guessing that you, like me, find Donald Trump almost impossible to listen to. He’s loud, truth-deficient, insecure and hurtful. He reminds me of the bully that used to torment me in grade school, only now that bully could actually be the next President of the United States of America. Not enough people are talking about Hillary Clinton, whose strong, steady performance showed us what leadership looks like.

But what I want us to focus on is the cold, cynical, dog-eat-dog vision of our country that Donald Trump, the Republican Presidential nominee, put forward last night. According to Trump, our entire society is failing because we as people are too different and too diverse to ever get along. Based on what he says, women, people of color, immigrants, and Muslims are deficient.  His solutions aren’t so much about policy or plans, they’re about competition. At all costs. Always. In Trump’s world, the “strong” survive, and by strong he means the privileged few who, like himself, have never known want for anything. If you’re not rich, not a man, not white, not willing to knock over the person next to you to get what you want, then you’re the failure. You don’t deserve his respect, let alone the respect of the government – our government – that he wishes to lead.

Watching the debate last night, I was anxiously squirming on my couch, then talking at my TV (nearly waking my kids), and then just scared that this reality TV star’s vision of our world could become our reality. Then something else sank in: none of my reactions to this debate changed a thing. I’m guessing that’s true for you too.

So, join me, join us, in doing something about it. Join me, join others and paint a different picture of the kind of world you want to live in. Put your beliefs into action and elect progressive champions who will work with us to change Minnesota and United States. 

Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday night we’re on the phones talking to voters about progressive champions right here in Minnesota who are running for the state legislature.  Every Saturday we are knocking on doors and talking to voters about their challenges and hopes, and asking them to turn out and vote for a better future. Together we are paving the way to earned sick time for all workers, to the restoration of voting rights, to a sustainable climate and health care for all.

Every time we, as members of TakeAction Minnesota, gather together we put our beliefs into action. We’re a multi-racial, multi-generational, geographically diverse force from different countries, faiths, and traditions. And the candidates that we’ve endorsed are leaders who share our vision. We know that that is what makes us beautiful, that is what makes us resilient, and that is our single greatest resource.  Period. 

We believe that not only are people capable of cooperating with each other, but that that’s what we need to do to end the racial, gender and geographic inequities that hurt all of us.  We know that the best way to change the world is by connecting real people to each other, the only expertise we require is you being your authentic self. Every time act together we discover a little more joy in our own lives, and we see that joy crowd out the cynicism we hear from Donald TrumpPeriod.

So, if you watched last night’s debate and were left feeling angry, perplexed, worried, despondent, or all of the above, then do something. TakeAction with me right now.  Join me – and hundreds of other people who believe what you believe and want to do something about it.

Posted in Our Blog

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