Meet Sheila Nezhad, candidate for Minneapolis Mayor

Who is Sheila Nezhad? 

Sheila Nezhad is a TakeAction Minnesota endorsed candidate for Minneapolis Mayor, along with climate scientist and former state representative Kate Knuth. Sheila is a community organizer, policy expert, and has deep ties throughout her Minneapolis communities. 

Rank Sheila Nezhad and Kate Knuth 1st or 2nd on your ballot – and #DontRankFrey. 

Why is Sheila running for Minneapolis Mayor? 

Sheila’s motto is “from the streets to the spreadsheets” because she believes that the best solutions come from the people already working for change on the ground. Her policy expertise and community connections help guide her understanding of what the people of Minneapolis need – and how to deliver it. 

Why did TakeAction members vote to endorse Sheila? 

🏛Sheila is accountable to the people and ready to co-govern with us while challenging the status quo.

🤝Sheila has strong experience as an activist and organizer in community.

🔑 Sheila stands with TakeAction on critical issues including housing justice and community safety. 

Where does Sheila stand on key issues? 

✅ Sheila supports the Yes 4 Minneapolis ballot initiative to create a new Department of Public Safety. 

✅ Sheila supports rent stabilization. 

What are Sheila’s values? 

🌻Sheila believes that we deserve to thrive, not just survive – we deserve self-determination, abundance, and joy. 

🏠She knows that justice and safety are intertwined – safety means investing in stable housing, education, and community.

🦸‍♀️She leads with the knowledge that power comes from the people – and our policy-making should come from the people, too. 

What are some things Sheila has accomplished? 

Sheila won campaigns to create the Office of Violence Prevention (2018) and $8M of investments in alternatives to policing (2020) as a policy organizer with Reclaim the Block.

Sheila co-authored the People’s Budget, a project centering the people of Minneapolis and funding what they need to thrive. 

Sheila was a core group organizer for MPD150’s for the “Enough is Enough” report and “Making it Real Exhibit”

“What makes me different is that my experience comes from building a movement led by Black and Indigenous and POC, and queer and trans and working-class people, and my experience has showed me that we can change things, we can change systems.” Sheila Nezhad

Learn more about Sheila 

📚Read this profile in MN Daily

👂Listen to this interview on Inside the Hive

📺Watch this interview with the Wedge Live

Early voting starts Sept. 17. Make your plan to vote. 

Rank Sheila Nezhad and Kate Knuth 1st or 2nd on your ballot – and #DontRankFrey. 

Posted in Our Blog

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