Take action for our voting rights + reproductive freedoms

All Minnesotans should be free to make our voices heard in our democracy and to choose whether and when to become a parent – across race, gender, and income.  

As certain right-wing and corporate-backed politicians pass abortion bans and limit voting rights in Texas, Kentucky, and other states, let’s make it clear to our Minnesota lawmakers: we expect them to protect and expand our voting rights and reproductive freedoms – not attack them. 

Email your legislators now, and customize your message for the greatest impact. 

We are at a crucial moment in the legislative session. As we head into the home stretch, our leaders are deciding which measures to include in omnibus bills and which ones to abandon.  

While the Minnesota House is advancing pro-voter bills that would protect and strengthen our freedom to vote and reduce the influence of corporate money in politics, the GOP-led Senate is introducing anti-voter bills that attempt to silence Minnesotans. And, with ongoing attacks on abortion rights nationwide, it’s more important than ever that Minnesota lawmakers act now to protect and expand our reproductive freedoms. 

We see efforts to limit our voting rights and reproductive freedoms for what they are: attempts to keep power concentrated among a white, wealthy few. Voter suppression laws often disproportionately harm the same communities that are most affected by abortion bans and restrictions: people of color, young people, LGBTQ folks, and low-income communities. In short, they are racist, discriminatory, and just plain wrong. 

Contact your legislators now. Demand they protect and expand our freedom to vote and our reproductive rights. Make your message personal to leave an impression. 

In solidarity, 

Trisha Harms (she/her), Communications Director 
Robert Haider (he/him), Policy Director